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Call Us: 970-819-0243
Dana Forbes



Coach, Owner

Owner and Overall Master of Fun!

I am that person. By the end of high school I was 20lbs overweight, by my late twenties I was 30lbs up, then by mid 30’s I was well over 50 lbs overweight. I worked too much, ate too much sugar and processed foods, and worked out in the basement to videos I had bought on late night infomercials. My life was the furthest thing from balanced. Shortly after moving to Steamboat 17 years ago, I made a commitment to make a change. I signed up for my first triathlon knowing I couldn’t run 50 feet. However, the goal of swimming a mile, biking 25 and running 6 worked to my advantage. I had some training buddies, I stuck to a training schedule and am happy to say I did quite well.

Fast forward 6 years and I had lost 40 lbs, only using the videos as a supplement to my other training. Unfortunately I had a back injury that would have required a triple fusion in my lower back. Having taught skiing for 25 years and my lack of core strength had taken its toll on me. I was crushed at the thought of a surgery so invasive so decided I needed to get stronger ALL OVER before considering that route. Running and biking were not the answer, they only focused on certain muscles and didn’t vary enough. For years I had been curious about CrossFit but put it off for whatever reason I could think of. I don’t have many regrets in life but that was one of them. I wish I had started 3 years prior when I had heard about it. I wish I had made the time, found the money and not been afraid to try something new.

On my first day I could barely squat with a piece of PVC overhead….fast forward 10 years and not only can I overhead squat much more, I am in the best shape I have ever been in. My daughter Keagan, 16 at the time, wanted to do something as well to build her self-confidence and body image.  As for the back surgery…I never had it, I have no back pain anymore, my skiing has improved, I have made so many friends and I am closer with my daughter as a result.

I decided if I wanted to help others find the kind of balance and health I had found, I had better buy into the gym and use my “real job” skills to help assure its sustainability. I’m there to cheer you on and offer an ear and shoulder when need be. I can relate to almost anything you are going through, believe me.

If you have read this far and don’t already do CrossFit, then don’t be like me. You are obviously curious so don’t have any regrets. Make the time, find the money and don’t be afraid, we will take good care of you.

CrossFit L-2 coach, N3 Level 1 Nutrition, Hormone and Mindset Certified