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Call Us: 970-819-0243

What is your why?

I believe in setting goals.  I believe in setting yourself up for success.  I believe in making yourself a better person everyday.  I believe in pushing the limits.


I believe in YOU.


Sometimes we get off track, and that is ok.  How do we bounce back?  How do we get back in shape?  How do we start again?  How do we make it successful?


Here’s how!  Ask yourself EVERY morning, what is my why?  This is ALL the motivation you need to keep going.  Plain and simple.


“To keep up with my kids.”

“To play hockey.”

“To get stronger.”

“The hot guys.”

“Because I’m addicted.”

“To look good in my wedding dress.”


Need a little help?  Here is a complete DIY (no equipment necessary) to get you back to your routine, back on track, and to a better, healthier, happier version of YOU in no time!


I want to see this on EVERY refrigerator in town!


A: 15 burpees

B: 25 squats

C: 1min plank

D: Run ½ mile

E: 20 walking lunges

F: 100 jumping jacks

G: 10 push-ups

H: 50 sit-ups

I: 30 sec side planks (each side)

J:  15 box jumps

K:  Run 1 mile

L: 50 bicycle crunches

M: 25 jump squats

N: 1min lateral jumps

O: 15 dips

P: 5 alligator push-ups

Q: 100 mountain climbers

R: 10 single leg squats

S: 15 jump lunges

T:  10 hollow rocks

U: 20 lateral lunges

V: 10 single leg bridges

W:  10 T push-ups

X: 10 burpee broad jumps

Y: 5 100m sprints

Z: 50 crunches


It goes like this:  Spell your name (or word of choice) and repeat for 10-20mins (depending on your timeframe)!  Pretty easy, right?!  Plus, countless options, tons of fun, and back to shape in no time.


Don’t forget to pick your why!  It will guide you, strengthen you, push you, and challenge you.  Go get ‘em!