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SSCMetcon – Mon, Nov 21

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm Up

1:00 row/ski

15 tippy toe walks

15 heel walks

15 inside of feet

15 outside of feet

10 plank to downdog

5 ea stationary lunge taps

:45 row/ski

10 thoracic pushups

20 ea banded ankle pluses

12 alt walking lunges

:30 row/ski

10 ea sa thoracic pushups

20 ea banded hip pulses

5 ea stationary jump lunge taps

:15 row/ski pulse

10 ea elbow side plank rotations

15 ea banded hip flexor/quads

10 alt jump lunges

Metcon (Time)

2 rounds for time:

1000/800 m row

50 jumping lunges

Time Cap: 16min

Finish the row in 4-4:30.  Try to hold onto the jump lunges for 15-20 at a time.

Accessory Work

3 sets:

20 GHD hip extensions

10 banded side steps (left)

10 banded side steps (right)