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SSCMetcon – Sat, Apr 13

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

20 tippy toe walk

20 heel walk

10 calf raises

10ea single leg calf raises

10ea leg swings

10ea table top rotations

10 plank to downdog

10 up/downs

10 deadlift

10 muscle clean

10 elbow punches

5 strict press

3 pause burpees

4 up and overs

5 tall clean drops

5 push press

2 burpee get overs

5 clean and jerk

Metcon (No Measure)

Teams of 2

4 Rounds

200m Run (each)

12 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

100ft Dball Carry (100/70) (Each)

12 Burpee Box Get-Overs (30/24)

200m Row (each)