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Call Us: 970-819-0243

CF 02/20/2019

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Form rowing 3 minutes

Then 2 rounds:

15 jumping jacks with straight arms

15 squat jumps focusing on explosion

10 lunge with rotation and reach each side


medball clean progression

(5 each of: RDL, DL+ shrug, fast elbow drill with partner

– partner holds ball while primary mover explodes elbows through and drops under ball;

med ball power cleans advancing to med ball cleans receiving in squat position).

End with:

5 step up step down on box each leg, 2 wall walks, 5 jump up step down on box


Metcon (No Measure)

CF Gymnastics Open Skills


30s of Skill Practice
Every minute on the minute – 30 seconds gymnastics skill work; 30 seconds rest. Today’s focus will be skill work to prepare for the open. You get to choose the movement. Try to pick a gymnastics movement that usually appears in the open (e.g. pull ups, handstand push ups, chest to bars, muscle ups).


Metcon (Time)

For time:

50 Calorie Row

50 Medball Cleans (20, 14)

50 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)

50 Ground to Overhead with a plate (45, 25)

50 Walking OH Lunges (45, 25)

50 Calorie Row

L2: (14, 10) (20, 15) (25, 15)

L1: (10, 8) (20, 15 Alt. BW Step-ups) (15, 10)

25:00 Cap

*Alternate Options

45/40 Calorie Bike or Ski Erg
Avoid redlining on the first 50 calorie row. Long/strong pulls. Guys aiming for at least 1 calorie per pull; ladies: at least 1 calorie every 2 pulls. Try to stay around 70%-75% effort on the initial row so you have engine left for the middle portion of the workout. Box jumps MUST have step down; no re-bounding off of the floor. On the G2O, keep the plate close to your body. Think about moving vertically – do not curl the plate but think of it more like a snatch. The movement should be fluid with no pausing. On the walking lunges keep the arms locked out to create a shelf to hold your plate. Remember to focus on efficient breathing throughout this workout. Push the final row as hard as possible.

Accessory Work

Metcon (No Measure)

Banded Scapular Work OR Crossover Symmetry protocol