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SSCMetcon – Tue, Apr 16

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

foam roll thoracic

ski – arms

ski – arms + hinge

ski – arms + hinge + squat

:30 deadhang

10 ea shoulder series

10 banded floor press

7 plank to downdog

3 plank to pike walk

3 pike pushups

ski – arms

ski – arms + hinge

ski – arms + hinge + squat

:30 lat active

10ea shoulder series

5ea banded floor press + db

on a box:

7 plank to downdog

3 plank to pike walk

3 pike pushup off box

1:00 ski

5ea db floor press + IR/ER

5 plank to downdog

2 walk up wall

2 wall facing strict handstand pushup

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

7:00 AMRAP

1000/850m Ski

In remaining time:

Max reps Strict Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP

1000/850m Ski

In remaining time:

Max reps Push Ups

-rest 5:00-

7:00 AMRAP

1000/850m Ski

In remaining time:

Max Dumbbell Bench Press (2×50/35)

You want to try to be off the rower in 5:00 giving yourself 2min to get into the. movements