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By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Foam Roll/ Stretch 1x: (5min)

–1min per side Foam Roll Lats

–1-2min Foam Roll T-Spine

–:45sec Childs Pose

–:20sec Childs Pose (right)

–:20sec Childs Pose (left)

Shoulder Warm Up 2xs:

–20 Banded Good Morning

–15 Band Pull Aparts

–10 Behind the Neck Banded Press

–5 Banded Overhead Squat

General Barbell Warm Up 1x:

–5 Snatch Deadlift

–5 Muscle Snatch

–5 Snatch Push Press

–5 Overhead Squat

Snatch Set Up Specific Warm Up 1x:

–Shin to Knee (snatch grip)

–Knee to Mid Thigh (snatch grip)

–Snatch Deadlift

3-Position Power Snatch 1x:

–2 High Hang Power Snatch

–2 Hang Power Snatch

–2 Power Snatch

3-Position Snatch (squat) 1x:

–2 High Hang Snatch

–2 Hang Snatch

–2 Snatch


Snatch (3-3-2-2-1)

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Goal is “perfect” reps and no failed lifts.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Every 2:30 for 7:30: Snatch Grip Deadlift

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts, pick load

Every 2:30 for 7:30.


“YTW” 2xs:

–10 reps in each position

Use Crossover Symmetry, mini bands, or small plates.